Then there are engraved silver collars and German and Austrian baroque ( 12) collars decorated with metalwork and velvet ( 13). 之后出现银质雕刻项圈、经过金属加工和天鹅绒德国、奥地利巴洛克式项圈。
The silver medal of power went to Mrs Merkel, the German chancellor, whom Forbes described as the backbone of the 27-member European Union and the person who carries the fate of the euro on her shoulders. 权势榜第二名是德国总理默克尔,福布斯杂志将她称为欧盟27个成员国的主心骨、承载欧元命运的人。
Deutsche Bank said in January it was ending its involvement in the gold and silver fix, as part of wider withdrawal from commodity markets. The move followed an inquiry by German regulators into precious metals price setting. 德意志银行今年1月表示,将退出金银价的制定,这是该行撤出大宗商品市场举措的一部分。此前德国监管机构对贵金属定价展开调查。